ONE-ON-ONE Consulting

  • 90 minutes consulting (included quick review of any material you believe will be relevant to understand your situation).
  • Conducted over Zoom (video and/or audio, depending on your comfort and requirement).
  • Solid takeaways and next steps in your process.


Consult On-On-One With

  • Athlete
  • Parents
  • College Athletic
  • Departments
  • Alumni groups
  • Academy or Club owners or Executives

We Can Help With

  • Cut through any confusion
  • Provide solid takeaways
  • Give you direction to your questions
    Offer you trusted resources/ courses

What to Expect

  • 90 minutes consulting (included quick review of any material you believe will be relevant to understand your situation).
  • Conducted over Zoom (video and/or audio, depending on your comfort and requirement).
  • Solid takeaways and next steps in your process.


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About Actu8

High School Athlete Branding
Collegiate Athlete Branding
College Athletic Departments & Alumni Groups
College Recruitment
Building Your Digital Resume